
KM Mixers

PVC / SS 316L
½” ÷ 12”
Pipe / DN / ANSI
N° of elements
2 ÷ 18

In all Kenics® KM Series Static Mixers, a patented helical mixing element directs the flow of material radially toward the pipe walls and back to the center. Additional velocity reversal and flow division results from combining alternating right- and left-hand elements, thus increasing mixing efficiency. All material is continuously and completely mixed, eliminating radial gradients in temperature, velocity and material composition.

Numerous independent studies have shown that Kenics Static Mixers maximize mixing efficiency without the wasted energy and material blockage typically found in more restrictive motionless mixers.

In the table, you can find the number of elements you need due to viscosity, line size and flow range.

This chart is not intended for fluids over 1.000 cP viscosity or with specific gravities less than 0.9
or greater than 1.1. Pressure drops greater than 10 psi need a specific design.

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