
Preparation of zirconium-based ceramic

Agitators for ceramic preparation

The preparation of zirconium-based ceramic products is very common in the ceramic industry where the slurry to be prepared can reach a density of up to 2 kg/dm3. Sometimes a recipe requires the addition of whole big-bags of bentonite and kaolin, very lightweight products that have a tendency to float; these form huge “icebergs” on the surface which need to be sunk to the bottom. PRO-DO-MIX® impellers are specially designed to meet these needs: they guarantee excellent agitation results at low power and can be integrated at several levels, to ensure excellent performance.

Precisely because of this technical characteristic, the gearbox, usually with parallel axes, must be sized to withstand sudden pulls and knocks all-round and for 24/7 operation.

Browse the gallery and view the vertical agitators installed in Italy, Spain and Malaysia for one of the industry leaders in the sector of zirconium-based products.

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Impellers with high hydrodynamic profile

Three-blade impeller with high hydrodynamic profile. It is the “evolution” of Hurricane. Its internal velocity gradient, constant from the centre to the edge of the blade, allows the positioning of an impeller with large diameter very close to the bottom of the tank. That makes Evolution perfect for applications that require the mixer’s continuous operation during the total draw-off of the tank.

It can be manufactured with different diameters, 1650 to 3500 mm.

A completely disassemblable option is available as well, to ease the entering through the tank manhole.


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